Mohammad Javad Khojasteh

Gleason Endowed Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Affiliated with Global Cybersecurity Institute (GCI)

Affiliated with Center for Human-aware AI (CHAI)

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Director of the Khojasteh Autonomous Systems Laboratory (KAS Lab)

Email:, Google Scholar, LinkedIn.

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). I direct the Khojasteh Autonomous Systems Laboratory (KAS Lab). I am affiliated with the Global Cybersecurity Institute (GCI) and the Center for Human-aware AI (CHAI) at RIT.

Before joining RIT, I held postdoctoral positions at Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems (LIDS) at MIT, and Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) at Caltech, where I worked with Team CoSTAR as visitor at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I did my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Control) at UC San Diego. Before that, I earned two bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from Sharif University of Technology.

Research Interests:

I am passionate about solving real-world problems by applying machine learning, data-driven optimization and control, and statistical signal processing. My current research focuses on three main areas:

  • Autonomous robot systems: developing scientific principles for autonomous robot systems, integrating artificial intelligence and robotics to enhance the security, safety, and efficiency of these systems

  • Applied ocean science: innovating new methods in machine learning and marine robotics for autonomous data collection at sea

  • Quantum engineering: advancing fundamental knowledge in quantum technologies to achieve supremacy in sensing and computing